Yes, we can submit FINRA fingerprints!
Sterling is FINRA’s exclusive processor for all FINRA background checks. We can transmit live scan fingerprints to FINRA or complete ink & roll fingerprints for FINRA.
Sterling maintains a list of Sterling-certified EFS vendors. We are part of the Sterling’s certified EFS vendors though Trusted Biometrics.
We use our Trusted Biometrics live scan system to digitally capture and transmit fingerprints. Our system is card scan capable–we can digitize physical fingerprint cards for FINRA.
Physical FINRA fingerprint cards must be mailed to Sterling OR digitized (card scanned) and digitally transmitted to Sterling for processing.
See FINRA’s information on fingerprints for instructions.
To submit fingerprints to FINRA we offer three options:
Live Scan (Digital Fingerprints w/ Digital Submission)
We have partnered with Trusted Biometrics ( Sterling EFS certified FINRA vendor) to process FINRA fingerprints electronically using our live scan fingerprinting system. Live scan is the preferred method. Live scan is quick and the most cost-effective. FINRA will receive your fingerprints in 24-48 hours. This method reduces the fingerprint rejection rate and data entry errors with manual card processing.
Schedule FINRA Live Scan Fingerprinting Appointment
Hardcopy (Ink & Roll/Digital Capture Hardcopy):
We can capture your fingerprints using traditional ink & roll methods or using live scan (digital capture of fingerprints that are printed on a physical fingerprint card). We have FINRA/Sterling approved barcoded fingerprint cards in stock or your can provide your own fingerprint card.
Your completed fingerprint must be mailed to Sterling for processing or select our card scan service.
Schedule FINRA Hardcopy Fingerprinting Appointment
Card Scanning w/ Digital Submission
You can mail us any hardcopy fingerprint card (FD-258) or a physical FINRA card and we can digitize your fingerprints for submission to FINRA using our live scan system. All FINRA fingerprints are processed via Sterling’s approved EFS vendor, Trusted Biometrics.